
I'm Akane, an aspiring FFXIV photographer (and IRL artist).
Look around and reach out if you have any questions!
My discord is: nullifiedvoidcast

Information and About me:

Age: 24
Eyes: Green
Hair colour: Black with red highlights
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Hi! I'm Akane and I'm a photographer. I'm fairly new in opening my commissions up for gil as I'm trying to build a portfolio before applying to venues. I'm new around the venue scene as it's interested me for awhile.
I hope to be able to gain some clients and share my skills with everyone!
All photos you see are done by myself!
I do work from SFW, Soft lewd, Senual, to Sexy, I will not do hard core NSFW.

All my solo work I've done for myself and others. These are all SFW to soft lewd.

Prices for my work

What I charge:
- It all depends on how many shots you're wanting.
- The amount of folk being included.
- The complexity of the gpose and the overall style you're looking for.
PSA: The more poses you want, depending on how many characters there are, the higher in price as it takes longer to get the pose right for each character.

Solo Work
80k gil
1 Character
2 Poses
4 Shots total, 2 shots per pose - meaning 1 pose, 2 shots!
30k gil - extra pose
20k gil - extra shot

Duo / Couples:
150k gil
2 Character/s
3 Pose/s
3 Shots - One shot per pose/s
40k gil - extra pose
20k gil - extra shot

Multi / Group
300k gil
4 Character/s
4 Pose/s
8 Shot/s - 2 shots per 1 pose
150k gil - extra pose
60k gil - extra shot

This is all the group work I've done! Mainly SFW.

All my Soft lewd/ NSFW work.

SFW and NSFW emotes!Prices: Each emote will cost $3 CAD, they are a F2U base that the owner has allowed commisson useage of.
Payments will only be made through Paypal!
F2U base can be found here: Takiimikiku Deviantart